Published: 2024-03-04

Developing Model of Digital Technicians Competencies in Digital Industries

Boridta Inrun, Somnuk Wisuthiphat, Teravuti Boonyasopon, Teerawat Boonyasopon


The Development Model of Business Management Architectural Design in the Digital Age

Chananchida Kwanjai, Supatta Pinthapataya, Pawinee Boonyasopon, Preeda Attavinijtrakarn


Factors Affecting the Achievement of the Graduates of Master of Management, Civil Aviation Training Center

Jareeyakorn Hwangsuphakitkoson, Paul Trisdikoon, Nattakarn Chaihawong


The Potential Model Development of Entrepreneur in Garment Industry

Vijitra Sapa-asa, Teerawat Boonyasopon, Supatta Pinthapataya, Preeda Attavinijtrakarn
