An Analytical Study on Values of Gemstone in the Buddhist Art Works

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Jutamas Pantong
Yueng Pannengpetch
Virot Vichai
Somsak Promjak


This academic article discusses a study conducted to analyze the values of gemstones in Buddhist art. The study had three objectives: (1) to study the gems appearing in Theravada Buddhist scriptures, (2) to study the value of gems used in Buddhist art, and (3) to analyze the reasons for the use of gems in Buddhist art. The research methodology employed in this study was primarily document analysis.

The findings of the research revealed that the word "ratana" in Theravada scriptures means something that is very valuable, such as the Triple Gem. The Vinaya prohibits monks from possessing gemstones, and if any monk is found to possess them, they will be fined. Additionally, the Gemstone that appears in the scriptures are all metaphors for principles or qualities that apply to all individuals.

Regarding the value of gemstones used in Buddhist art, the study found that they have both symbolic and aesthetic value. Gemstones are often used to decorate religious objects, such as statues, stupas, and temple ornaments. The value of gemstones in Buddhist art varies according to the culture and traditions of each region. For example, diamonds may symbolize wisdom and clarity, while rubies may represent kindness and power. The inclusion of these stones in art helps to visually communicate these qualities and gives them a spiritual significance.

Through the analysis of the underlying reasons and values associated with the use of gemstones in Buddhist art, it becomes evident that the tradition of incorporating gemstones has been practiced for centuries. The beauty, symbolism, rarity, and durability of gemstones contribute to the beauty and attractiveness of works of art. Gemstones also symbolize various aspects of Buddhism and represent respect for the Buddha and his teachings. Their presence in Buddhist art fosters a sense of calm, serenity, and awe. It serves as a reminder of the importance of spiritual growth and ethical living. Notable examples include diamonds as a symbol of wisdom, the lotus representing enlightenment, and emeralds expressing sympathy.

In conclusion, the use of gemstones in Theravada Buddhist scriptures and decorative arts carries profound meanings. Their inclusion increases the importance of the artwork and facilitates a connection to the spiritual path. This research emphasizes the importance of gemstones in Buddhist art, sheds light on the symbolic and aesthetic value of gemstones, and their ability to evoke spiritual experiences and contemplation. Further studies in this area can provide deeper insights into the intricate relationship between Buddhism, jewelry, and artistic expression.



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How to Cite
Pantong, J., Pannengpetch, Y. ., Vichai, V., & Promjak, S. . (2023). An Analytical Study on Values of Gemstone in the Buddhist Art Works. Journal of Prajna Ashram, 5(2), 38–47. retrieved from


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