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This paper Discusses is of 3 objectives: 1) to study the context of political philosophy of Western philosophers, 2) to study the Niccolo Machiavelli’s concept of political philosophy, 3) to analyze the Niccolo Machiavelli’s concept of political philosophy. It is a documentary research. A research scope was done on the Macchiavali's political philosophy’s books which were translated into Thai such as: The Prince (The Ruler), translated by Sombat Chantrawong and Macchiavali : the Master of Modern Political Theory translated by Sirirat Na Ranong. These data were analyzed by content analysis.
Its results revealed that 1) the Western political and administrative contexts were manifested such as; Autocratic, Oligarchy and Democratic. Ultimately, each of these, the City-states or the Public-states will be suitably used to their contexts. On the Ruler side, A kind of ruler will be the Monarch, the dictator or the Democratic Ruler.While considering on the political context, the serious struggles for hegemony between the Church and Kingdom were often found. 2) The Prince the book presenting the Macchiavalli's political philosophy’s concept was regarded as a guidebook on how to capture and keep the power on analyzing that all human beings are by nature the bad people and have endless ambitions. But they be better cultivated. Actually, no one is absolutely good or bad. Macchiavalli, even, negatively read human beings but, he always hopefully thought to seek for the better society. There are 3 factors of power in political philosophy namely: Legislative power, Executive power, and Judicial power. On the process of exercising that power, according to Macchiavalli, it is regardless using any method, but, it will mainly focus into the goal. It is, therefore, in the State Administration must be strictly controlled by law rather than using a system of morals and virtues. That is a kind of secular government. 3) On analysis of the Niccolo Macchiavalli’s concept of political philosophy, he pointed that any ruler who wishes to keep a stable power must fulfill the needs effectively for their success and consent. Because a reason and power don't often go hand in hand. Therefore, the rulers are recommended to be ready to show the role of a lion or fox by using force or witty according to the arising situations.
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