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จงกช สุทธิโอสถ



The aims of this investigation encompassed: 1) exploring food consumption aligned with Buddhist principles, 2) scrutinizing the connection between food consumption and the Buddhist Dhamma Medicine theory, and 3) delineating the application of Buddhist principles in the food consumption patterns of the Dhamma Medicine Community.

Food consumption according to the Buddhist Principles follows four steps of Buddhist Recipe Courses: 1) Food that aims at the extinguishing of five senses that are not aimed at delicious but useful. 2) Sense contact through the feelings of the physical form of  the mind by touching with the eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, and mind until feeing of happiness, suffering, unhappiness, and no suffering arises upon contact. 3) Intention of craving for love and hatred arising from consumption.  Consciously eat the right amount. and Mind that contemplating the cessation of lust caused by clinging from the deliciousness of food in every meal of consumption.

 An examination of food consumption in line with the Dhamma Medicine approach reveals a meticulous process.  The initial step involves selecting non-toxic ingredients suitable for individual health and adjusting to prevqiling climatic conditions. The focus is on achieving a balanced interplay of hot and cold elements within everyone.  The process also entails moderate seasoning, thorough mastication, and sequential consumption based on ease of digestion. The diet contains essential nutrients required for human health in line with the dietary guidelines prescribed by the World Health Division.

      An analysis of food consumption within the Dhamma Medicine Community involved educating community members and patients on distinguishing between “Food for physical body” and “Food for Spirituality,” utilizing the nine theoretical pills of Buddhist Dhamma Medicine.  Participants were encouraged towards self-sufficiency – easy to care for, easy to eat, easy to live.  The food sourced was preferably organically or naturally grown, embodying the nine virtues of Asian individuals.  A vegetarian diet was promoted, devoid of meat, and combined with scientific understanding of the hot and cold characteristics of different food items. This approach was amalgamated with traditional alternative medicine to detoxify Asian bodies via nine methods.  The philosophy of sufficiency economy was followed, emphasizing locally sourced food’s benefits, fostering community cohesion, and supporting a simply lifestyle. Upon reaching self-sufficiency, individuals were encouraged to continue sharing with the  broader human community.

      The research results highlight a clear alignment between food consumtion according to Buddhist principles and the pratices of the Buddhist Dhamma Medicine Community.  This alignment incorporates  living by the four factors derived from Buddha’s principles and following the four steps of the Buddhist Recipe Courses in food consumption.  By integrating mindful eating, vegetarianism, thorough mastication, and other Sutra in Tripitaka, and maintaining this practice over at least seven years, individuals are predicted to achieve robust health, longevity, and overall well-being.


Keywords: Buddhist Principles. food consumption. Buddhist Dhamma Medicine.


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How to Cite
สุทธิโอสถ จ. . (2023). AN ANALYSIS OF BUDDHADHAMMA CONCERNING FOOD CONSUMPTION AS FOUND IN THE DHAMMA MEDICINE COMMUNITY. Journal of Prajna Ashram, 5(2), 148–163. retrieved from


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