Buddhist Ethics on The End of Treatment of Terminally ill Patients
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The purpose of this article is to study and analyze treatment discontinuation. to extend the life of terminally ill patients according to the principles of law, order, and from a Buddhist ethical point of view the results showed that the law gives patients the right to make a letter of intent not to receive health care services that are only intended to prolong death at the end of their life. or to end the suffering of illness by oneself while being fully conscious. and giving decision-making rights to close relatives together with medical personnel in cases where patients are unable to respond or perceive themselves or pediatric patients and if the doctor does not treat according to the patient's needs, it is considered unethical of the doctor, which is the premise of morality and ethics.
An analysis of Buddhist ethics perspectives in the case of a patient making a letter of intent not to receive health care services that is only meant to prolong death at the end of life or to end suffering from illness (Living Will), it shows the possibility of ending the disease. treat from the conditions of law, morality, morality, ethics according to Buddhist principles, which the value of life lies in the good deeds rather than the longevity. A patient's intentional refusal to receive health care services that is only meant to prolong death at the end of life or to end suffering from illness. would be able to do in the case of a relative's decision It should be with a charitable intent. on the basis of conscience as for doctors, they should treat others in a friendly manner. Have mercy on the patient's relatives and does not do anything to prolong the life of patients just because they want to benefit from medical expenses. regardless of the suffering of the patient's relatives.
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