The Educational Philosophy in the Japanese light Novel “Classroom of the Elite”

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Phra Kamonlapope Kitibhado (Saibuapat)


This research article has 3 objectives as follows: 1) To study the concepts of educational philosophy. 2) To study Japanese educational philosophy. 3) To analysis of the worldview of Japanese educational philosophy as appeared in the light novel “Classroom of the elite”.

1. The educational philosophy It is one of the branches of applied philosophy. with the aim of applying educational concepts to philosophy through Western philosophical schools of thought, such as essentialism, existentialism, progressivism, and Perennialism.

2. The Educational philosophy of Japan in the pre-World War II period, since the Meiji Restoration or the return of the royal power of the Tokugawa junta to the Meiji Emperor. Thus, the idea of imperialism and nationalism was initiated that values the greatness of the nation from cultivating the spiritual belief of being Japanese through Shinto as the national religion with a fictional emperor as the center of belief to create military ideology through the Japanese education system of that era.

3. The educational world view philosophy that appeared in the light novel “Classroom of the Elite” was an educational concept after the revival of the country after the war was over. but was influenced by ideas from the era of the country’s revival after the war modern Japanese education concepts It was an era that was influenced by both liberal democratic world thinking and American capitalism. that has attempted to eliminate the idea of extremism like Asia from Japan Therefore, the concept of Asianism and American thinking was formed.

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How to Cite
Kitibhado (Saibuapat), P. K. . (2022). The Educational Philosophy in the Japanese light Novel “Classroom of the Elite”. Journal of Prajna Ashram, 4(1), 16–29. retrieved from