A Comparative Study of Ideas on Sunnata of Nagarajuna and Buddhadasabhikkhu

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Sammarera Somboon Sompong
Prasit charra


This article presents a comparation the concept of Nagarajusna’s Sunnata and Buddhadasabhikku’s Sunnata. From the result of this research it was found that Naharajuna’s Sunnata dealt with his ideas: “a state of perceiv- ing”, “It was not existence”, “It was not non-existence”, and “That wat not non-existence was not”, All of four extreme states were not Sunnata but it was a state of perceiving in a space of those extreme states. Similarly, it was meant that in the conventional world the perception of a state of all things as an illusion was Sunnata but in the world absolute truth found by the Buddha, all things associating with each other were called Sunnata. Moreover, Nagarajuna believed that all things were really formless because all of them were Sunna- ta. The conditioned things were known as things in dreaming, and illusory. All people should leave both wholesome and unwholesome actions. In the world of absolute truth, there was not in the realm of attachment. It was known only as a Even Dhamma was not in the realm of attachment. It was known only as a vehicle-a raft to cross Samsara. Even the existence did not really exist. From the comparative study of Nagarajuna’s Sunnata and Buddhadasabhikku’s Sunnata, it was found that there were both similarities and differences. The similarities in the concept of Buddhadasabhikku’s Sunnata and Nagarajuna’s Sunnata were found in meaning, characteristic, the five aggregates, and the principle od Dependent Origination.

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How to Cite
Sompong, S. S. ., & charra, P. . (2022). A Comparative Study of Ideas on Sunnata of Nagarajuna and Buddhadasabhikkhu. Journal of Prajna Ashram, 2(1). retrieved from https://so09.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jpar/article/view/644