Study the concept of heaven of the Sukhāvatī (Pure Land Buddhism)

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wanna polrob


The person who is going to be born must have three virtues: filial piety, taking refuge in the Triple Gem. mental stability In addition to this, one must pray to remember Amitabha's determination to be born in Sukhāvatī in order to achieve his wish.

The heavens of the Sukhavati Mahayana Sect are the same or different from Heaven in Theravada, however, found that most of them were the same. But there are some things that are different, for example, Mahayana will go to heaven. do a lot of charity There is a bad place as a destination But there was a teacher to remember the Buddha "Amitabha" and followed it for ten minutes and then went to the realm of the Sukhāvatī. until he attained an arahant in the heavens

While Theravada believed Karma and result of Karma When the good deeds are greater than the bad deeds He has the right to go to the different levels of heaven, and when he finishes his result of karma in the different heavens.

There will be five ascendants appearing to the gods. 1. Flowers that decorate wither. 2. The apparel that is worn has faded. 3. Sweating from the armpit 4. A dull complexion appears on the body. 5. That son of the gods will lose his delight in his divine wealth. I have the right to go to the heavens of the gods. humanity After being a human being, defraud, corrupt speech, corrupt mentality, hell, the birth of the beast, jinn can still be born again. So heaven is just a realm. with circulating Death is born only in samsara.

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How to Cite
polrob, wanna. (2022). Study the concept of heaven of the Sukhāvatī (Pure Land Buddhism). Journal of Prajna Ashram, 1(2). retrieved from