Public Administration and Organizational Behavior
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The public sector aims to meet the needs of the people. which improves the quality of life for the people. Public service management and organizational behavior According to the attitude of the person in working together with the organization 3 items is job satisfaction. participation in work and commitment to the organization. Composition and scope “Publicity” has 5 elements: is the level of difference between the state-private sector. The degree of difference between the state-private sector composition of service recipients the nature of the role public responsibility and public confidence. The government is to meet the needs of other people. Whether it is an expression in dress, facial expressions, eyes, gestures, and speech. The service should be made consistently and continually. Equality and the principle of change. Components of the service system, service receiver, service worker service organization service products and service environment. Through behavior between individuals, groups of people, and internal and external environments that affect the organization. The government sector must provide public services that meet the needs of the people and to be suitable for changing economic and social conditions. By using the form of tools and methods that will help the management of public services to operate conveniently and truly meet the needs of the people.
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