The Buddhist Doctrines for Promoting Happiness of Elderly in the Buddhistm
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Buddhism divides the level of happiness into (1) eroticism, considered to be the happiness that arises from the sensual passion known as Kamkhun. 5 (2) contemplation is the happiness that arises from the focus of emotions. (3) Nirvana happiness is the happiness from the quenching of desires and suffering from suffering is the highest happiness. It is the end of desires and lies, or a state of permanent loss. And the elderly or all human beings can easily reach sexual happiness By using it in conjunction with the principle of Lokeyasuk In order to make happiness a happiness that is just right, not hurting others Both to benefit oneself and society.
Buddhist principles for promoting happiness for the elderly in Buddhism are: (1) Physical prayer is the maintenance of one’s own body through various easy methods such as walking Jonglom (2). Prayer is to maintain oneself in the principles of the 5 precepts, honesty, not corrupt and disciplined according to social norms. (3) Mind-Bhavana: knowing to let go of various suffering by practicing meditation And control the mind or emotions not to be distracted. And how to get rid of suffering With the principles of Buddhism in physical, moral and mental self-development, life can follow the current world trend appropriately and happily.
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