Longevity in Buddhism

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Chaipat Chutikami
Lipikorn Makaew


When we love life the most We therefore never stop in pursuit of guidelines for longevity. But what is the value of longevity? If it brings about more ill problems high cost of living problem and the problem of lower self-worth of labor

How can we have a long life? with good health Not a burden on the family able to help themselves both socially and economically At present, in the approach of society, trying to solve these problems by campaigning to promote preparation for saving money from the time of working

To make savings a sustainable source of income for the elderly (Especially workers who are outside the government) have health promotion and disease prevention. by using modern technology to facilitate access to health services Educating people on health care and to promote and expand working opportunities for the elderly

including support for long-term care, such as providing a pension for the elderly It indicates that the solution in the economy The public health, social and technological aspects may not be sufficiently comprehensive to address the aforementioned problems.

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How to Cite
Chutikami, C. ., & Makaew, L. . (2020). Longevity in Buddhism. Journal of Prajna Ashram, 2(2). retrieved from https://so09.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jpar/article/view/3743


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