The Preparation in Dealing With Death by Practicing Anapanasati

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Udomchai Amatyakul
Thepprawin Chanraeng
peeraya chuenwong


Death is the thing that humans fear the most. The Buddha showed a way to get out of death permanently. to a state called nirvana which such method This practice can be practiced by breathing, which is called anapanasati.

Anapanasati is consciousness of the nature and reality of life through breathing. Seeing breath going in and out, arising and extinct, seeing the truth of life saying nothing is true and cannot be taken as ours at all Even the breath that is part of this body is the same. Ultimately, this self-confidence can be loosened. The mind will eventually be freed.

who develop anapanasati regularly When one day death comes will be able to make consciousness aware of the breath before death Knowing the last breath that is extinct The mind loses its attachment to oneself. will cause the mind to not think of improvement When not concocted, there is no leaven of the creation of the world anymore.

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How to Cite
Amatyakul, U. ., Chanraeng, T. ., & chuenwong, peeraya . (2024). The Preparation in Dealing With Death by Practicing Anapanasati. Journal of Prajna Ashram, 3(1). retrieved from


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