An Application of The Suitable Food for the Elderly

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Lumpoo Pramchit
Lipikorn Makaew
Viroj Vichai


The consumption of food according to the Buddhist way of the elderly is the consumption for the benefit of the body in the recommended amount. In addition, they should select more nutritious foods than flavor or color. The elderly can involve the teachings of the Lord Buddha in food consumption, as well as the elderly, have natural deterioration in their physiological changes. These cause the elderly to have mental, emotional, social, environmental, and intellectual deterioration with age as well. In addition, the elderly may moreover suffer neurological disorders such as touch, vision, hearing, taste, chewing, etc. Therefore, it is necessary to focus on food as mentioned above. And the application of suitable food for the elderly
remains one factor that will affect the general health and quality of life of the elderly both physically and mentally. Therefore, the food consumption of the elderly at present must be suitable food, that is, the consumption of good healthy food is not toxic to the body and is known about the amountof consumption.

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How to Cite
Pramchit, L., Makaew, L. ., & Vichai, V. . (2024). An Application of The Suitable Food for the Elderly. Journal of Prajna Ashram, 3(1). retrieved from


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