The Buddhist Means to Happily Living of the Elderly Persons

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Ard Matharuk
Phramaha Danaiphat Compeerapanyo (Yuniram)
Uten Larping


Happiness is essential in a person’s life. including the elderly which is an overview of life, physical factors and the psychological state of the person, whether it is living conditions relationship with people around such as family members and people in society, the ability to think critically, solve problems creatively dealing with emotions and a sense of virtue, purpose, goodness within the mind as well as to fight for living conditions in the community and helping to support each other in society Currently, there is research that focuses on studying happiness. as well as the present that continually affects happiness This is for the benefit of promoting people in each country. Especially the elderly have good physical and mental health. The results of the study found that what makes seniors happy or having good mental health The best and most direct person to tell is the elderly. The happiness of the elderly is the perception of the elderly about their own condition Happiness is the satisfaction in life that older people have. which sometimes the elderly may have poor physical health But they are satisfied, that is, living with their loved children, having cared for and caring until the elderly feel that even though his physical health is not good But it’s
satisfying to be near your grandchildren. and grandchildren take care Provide close care, honor, honor, respect.

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How to Cite
Matharuk, A. ., (Yuniram), P. D. C. ., & Larping, U. . (2024). The Buddhist Means to Happily Living of the Elderly Persons. Journal of Prajna Ashram, 3(1). retrieved from


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