A Study of Lay Personís Role in Promoting Buddhism as Found in Theravada Buddhism Scriptures

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Phrasuwanmatee (Sawaeng Nungjai)


Death is the thing that humans fear the most. The Buddha
then told me a way to get out of death permanently by entering
a state called nirvana. This method can be performed by using
the breathing method, which is called Ānāpānasati. Ānāpānasati is
consciousness of the nature and reality of life through breathing. The
method is to observe the breathing in and out that exists and goes
away, nothing lasts forever and things cannot be taken as ours, not
even the breath as part of the body. In the end, one will be able to
loosen its attachment to this self, and the mind of the practitioner
will eventually be freed. Those who practice Ānāpānasati regularly,
when one day they will die, they will be able to consciously realize
their breath before death. Knowing that the last breath that is born
and quenched his mind will renounce self-confidence, will cause the
mind to not be manipulated, not manipulated thus leaving no further
leaven in the creation next life.

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How to Cite
(Sawaeng Nungjai), P., & Phrakrusiripariyatyanusath. (2024). A Study of Lay Personís Role in Promoting Buddhism as Found in Theravada Buddhism Scriptures . Journal of Prajna Ashram, 3(1). retrieved from https://so09.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jpar/article/view/3729


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