A Study of Lay Person's Role in Promoting Buddhism as Found in Theravada Buddhism Scriptures
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“A Study of Lay Person’s Role in Promoting Buddhism as Found in Theravada Buddhism Scriptures” has two objectives: (1) to study the promotion of Buddhism of Lay Person’s Role in Theravada Buddhist scriptures and (2) to study the roles of the Jittakahabadi and Phra Nang Samawadi and guidelines for promoting Buddhism in various aspects in Theravada Buddhist Scriptures By using documentary research, the results revealed that.
There are five aspects of promoting religious strategies that appear in the Buddhism Doctrines: (1) In the field of Dharma study (2) Dharma practice (3) In the field of dharma propagation (4) The protection of Buddhism worshiper have a role, and (5) In respect of the patronage of Buddhism worshiper has a duty.
After the study analyzing the roles of promoting Buddhism of Jittakhahabodee layman and Phranang Samawadee laywoman, the researcher found that the role of Dharma study for both of them was the first dharma study from the teachings of the Sovereign, Arahant and her maidservant, heard from the Lord Buddha and brought it to pass on the practice of Dharma. Besides both of them, they practiced according to the principles of good layman and laywoman, but also practiced with perfect morality, concentration and wisdom according to the path. Received from listening to the dharma until they attained Anakamee and the Sodaban. In propagating the Dharma,they propagated of the Dharma through the practice of dharma and by virtue of mercy persuades the husband and his followers to turn to believe in Buddhism in protecting Buddhism.
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