An Application of Rishi - Dat Ton for Mindfulness Development
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This thematic paper entitled ‘An Application of Rishi - Dat Ton for Mindfulness Development’ focus on two objectives as: 1) to study definition and concept of Rishi - Dat Ton 2) to study mindfulness development toward Buddhism and 3) to analyze an application of Rishi - Dat Ton for mindfulness development. The study found that Rishi - Dat Ton traditional exercise is to train the body and train the mind to coordinate to take care of the body in order to prevent the occurrence of diseases causing life force and longevity. It is a balance structure for the body with the use of sitting, lying and standing together with pressing, bending, stretching, and having to breathe in and out. With the deepest breathing regulatory, then hold your breath and slowly breathe out the breath, it results the internal organs work together in a balanced way. In addition, the mentality will be trained by the Four Foundation of Mindfulness: - mindfulness as regards the body, feelings, mental conditions and ideas. When one’s body and mind tranquil, all unwholesomeness will be extinguished and the wholesomeness developed. It will create good health for physical, mental, social and intellectual life.
Breathing practice by practicing of Rishi - Dat Ton for Mindfulness Development is another way to develop holistic health according to Buddhism. Practicing of Rishi - Dat Ton can improve mindfulness meditation only two levels as regards the body and feelings, not improve to level of mental conditions and ideas.
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