The Concept of Tri- bhumi in the Contemporary Buddhist Arts Made by Rongkhun Temple Muang district Chiangrai province
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The thematic paper entitled “The concept of Tribhum in Buddhist art at Rong Khun Temple. Chiang Rai Province” has two objectives: (1) to study the history and importance of the Triphum in Buddhist arts and (2) to analyze the Tribhum in Buddhist art works of Wat Rong Khun. Chiang Rai By using Documentary Research, the research results are as follows:
The history and importance of the Tribhum in Buddhist art is a belief in Buddhist cosmology that is expressed as a body of knowledge by means of creating an image that reflects the appearance of Buddhist art work. by using various symbols in Buddhism about the Triphum which consists of kamabhumi, figure, and non-figurative figure with a variety of creative styles and techniques, reflecting the symbolic meanings associated with Buddhist art. appearing in the buddhist temple.
Tribhum reflected in art and architecture at Rong Chun Temple Chiang Rai It is a work that is created based on the understanding of ancient concepts combined with new concepts Expressed in a contemporary style, it is an individualistic style that infuses Ajarn Chalermchai's identity into the design. That conveys the perception of Buddhist philosophy and communication under the context of today's society which has a different form than in the past The nature of the process has a great influence on the design of today's Thai craftsmen.
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