An Analytical Study of Love In Buddhism For Developing The Quality of Life

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Chanthada Manprasert
Phoonchai Punthiya
pirapanuwat chuenwong


The objectives of the thematic paper are to (1) study love in Theravada Buddhism, 2) to study the life quality developing process and (3) to analytically study love in Theravada Buddhism in relation to the life quality development.

The findings show that:  loves in Buddhism are classified into (1) Sanehã; the possessed love, originated from lust to fulfill one’s own desire, (2) Pema or love arises from the family relationship such as siblings and sprouts, (3) Mettã or loving kindness is the good will, the selfless love arises from compassion and mercy and (4) Mettã-Appamanñã or endless love to all creatures. According from those classification Mettã and Metta-Appamañã are the love that be able to improve the quality of life.

In the Life quality development, it comprises of learning, controlling, improving, adjusting and developing oneself to bring the ultimate potentiality out. Love can be a motif or inspiration for life quality development in many aspects including self-development, family development, relationship development between sprouts or lovers, work development and national social development.

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How to Cite
Manprasert, C. ., Punthiya, P. ., & chuenwong, pirapanuwat . (2021). An Analytical Study of Love In Buddhism For Developing The Quality of Life. Journal of Prajna Ashram, 3(2). retrieved from


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