Buddhist Principles and Buddhist alms donation beliefs in Thailand

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รณฤทธิ์ มณีสงฆ์
Orachorn Maneesong


The purpose of this article is 1. To explore the principles of Buddhist Dhamma and the significance of alms donations in Thailand. 2. To understand why Thai Buddhists hold strong beliefs in almsgiving and examines the positive and negative effects associated with this practice. 3. Aims to provide Buddhist concepts as a guide for alms donors, as well as for the recipients and those involved in supervising charitable donations.

This academic article contains to examine the act of giving alms which has been an integral part of Buddhist teachings for over 2,500 years. According to the Buddha's teachings, there are numerous benefits associated with almsgiving that bring prestige and benefit to Buddhists. Buddhists believe that by practicing the Dhamma taught by the Buddha, one can refine the mind and transcend desires through practices like Samatha and Vipassana meditation, ultimately leading to the attainment of Prinirvana in the Brahma world. Such a refined way of donation almsgiving is considered merit results and brings many advantages. Therefore, Buddhists are encouraged to donate alms appropriately, keeping their body nourished without becoming overly attached to desires.

The recipients may mishandle the administration of donations, lacking transparency and misusing temple funds for personal gain or engaging in fraudulent practices. These occurrences can create a crisis of faith in Buddhism, potentially leading to a decline in the religion and the disintegration of Buddhist communities.

In addition to the responsibility of the donor in making informed judgments when donating. Both donors and recipients must use Iddhipada 4 to consider for these.

There is a need for agencies and organizations to monitor and oversee the donation process, should implement thorough and rigorous measures to ensure transparency in accepting and utilizing donations.

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How to Cite
มณีสงฆ์ ร., & Maneesong , O. . (2024). Buddhist Principles and Buddhist alms donation beliefs in Thailand. Journal of Prajna Ashram, 6(1), 73–88. retrieved from https://so09.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jpar/article/view/3424


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