An Analysis of the Buddhist Educational Philosophy in the Educational Administration of Paka Chong School in Baan Ngaen, Keng Tung Province

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ฐิติทรัพย์ พระแก้ว
Nang Kaung


This academic article is an analysis of Buddhist educational philosophy in the educational Administration of Paka Chong School, Ban Ngaen, Keng Tung Province, in Myanmar found that : This school has 60 monks and novices, 10 teachers, and 178 students. There are elements of education in administration as follows: 1) Curriculum aspect, the school uses the KG-5-4-3 education system, emphasizing academics. 2) Place aspect, The school uses temple grounds in a natural environment and away from the community. 3) Instructor aspect, most of them are monks who teach all subjects. 4) Learner aspect, there are children and youths of different ethnicities and ages come to study together. 5) Teaching and learning management aspect,  emphasis on Buddhist studies and ethical studies. There is no emphasis on handicraft education and physical education. 6) Measurement and evaluation aspect, emphasis on self-evaluation, especially in the area of ​​knowledge and rote learning.

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How to Cite
พระแก้ว ฐ., & Nang Kaung. (2024). An Analysis of the Buddhist Educational Philosophy in the Educational Administration of Paka Chong School in Baan Ngaen, Keng Tung Province. Journal of Prajna Ashram, 6(1), 16–30. retrieved from


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