หลักสูตรการศึกษาขั้นพื้นฐานกับหลักธรรมอริยสัจ 4 ในมุมมองความสอดคล้องด้านคุณลักษณะอันพึงประสงค์ของผู้เรียน
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Thai education has its roots in Buddhism since ancient times and has evolved to international standards, resulting in diverse forms of Thai education. As the majority of Thais adhere to Buddhism as their primary religion, educational development is closely tied to Buddhist principles. This development emphasizes instilling values, ethics, and traditions, as well as cultivating a beautiful cultural heritage through the education system. Currently, Thailand's basic education follows the 2008 core curriculum announced under the Buddhist Era (BE) 2551, which outlines eight desired characteristics for learners. These characteristics are to be nurtured and developed through various teaching and learning activities, shaping learners into individuals with desired qualities. As a result, learners possess ethics and morality, enabling them to coexist happily with others in Thai and global societies. Therefore, the incorporation of the Four Noble Truths into the education process-comprising suffering, the cause of suffering, the cessation of suffering, and the path to the cessation of suffering-plays a significant role in guiding the teaching and curriculum development process. This ensures that learners attain the desired characteristics as specified in the curriculum.
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