Buddhist philosophy with impermanence In the patient Parkinson’s disease
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This article focuses on (1) a study of Parkinson's disease. (2) a study of the principle of impermanence in Theravada Buddhist philosophy. and (3) an analysis of a Buddhist philosophy on impermanence in Parkinson's patients. Found Parkinson's disease it is a chronic disease caused by degeneration of the central nervous system. The patient will have symptoms related to movement. Physical balance and neurological mental disorders the symptoms of the disease are divided into 5 stages, beginning with body tremors. Until unable to move by himself which currently cannot cure Parkinson's disease or stop the progression of the disease.
The principle of impermanence is impermanence of the mind and impermanence of form. It is a change that is a phenomenon that occurs with all things. Anitya has a definition that when something happens, it must change and cease according to factors, rules, and regulations.
Buddhist philosophy on impermanence, The impermanence of Parkinson's disease in the form of the Anjchata principle is the change of mind and body. and all things in the form of mental form, with factors that arise, settle, disappear, do not remain permanently, therefore Parkinson's disease can happen to anyone and Parkinson's disease patients will have to face the symptoms of an uncertain disease happen every moment inability to control symptoms This process of change is based on the truth of impermanence of life.
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