The Role of Community Leaders in Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic Case Study, Tungkangok Subdistrict, Mueang District, Phang Nga Province

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Panisa Saengsuwan
Narissara Parittanapong
Netire Panyadee
Sirarat Itsaparo
Wichan Panjaren
Nicha Jinapen
Korawit Kohklang
Siriporn Pemgjan


The purpose of this study is to 1) study the role of community leaders in preparing for and responding to the COVID-19. 2) This is a comprehensive study, that is, quantitative research and qualitative research. The population used in this study is 119 community leaders from Thung Kha Ngok Sub-district, Muang District, Phang Nga Province. Through the use of specific sample selection and interview, this is an unstructured interview. (Key information) 5. Descriptive statistics were used to analyze the data.   

Research findings 1) In the case study of Thung Kha Ngok Sub-district, Muang District, Phang Nga Province, preparations for the COVID-19 were found. From the quantitative data analysis, it is found that the overall effect is very high regardless of the factors in various fields. This has affected the role of community leaders in preparing for and responding to the COVID-19, including the factors of disease surveillance. Epidemic control factors, preventive action factors and community leaders' understanding of the epidemic. 2) Guidelines for community leaders in Thung Kha Ngok Street to cope with the impact of COVID-19 Muang District, Phang Nga Province: disease monitoring, epidemic control, disease prevention COVID-19 pandemic crisis When the community is affected by the epidemic crisis, quantitative data analysis shows that: Community leaders are highly prepared for the COVID-19 crisis.

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How to Cite
Saengsuwan, P., Parittanapong, N., Panyadee, N., Itsaparo, S., Panjaren, W., Jinapen, N., Kohklang, K., & Pemgjan, S. (2022). The Role of Community Leaders in Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic Case Study, Tungkangok Subdistrict, Mueang District, Phang Nga Province. Social Sciences and Modern Integrated Sciences, 3(2), 13–28. retrieved from
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