Humanism and fundamental rights and liberties of stateless people in Thailand
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This article aims to study the concept of Humanism and fundamental rights and liberties of stateless people in Thailand under the policies, laws and regulations of The Thai government for addressing the statelessness problem. The study found that the policies and Laws relating to personal legal status and recognizing the fundamental rights of stateless persons. Governments will classify the personal legal status of stateless people into groups and combine their fundamental rights to their legal status. Each person has different basic rights and freedoms.
The humanism believes that all human beings are born with potential, have the ability to develop themselves and believes that human beings can discover the meaning, value, and purpose of life while alive. Also, believes in democracy, human rights and principles of equal
All human beings must be treated equally in their fundamental rights to guarantee human dignity and not be discriminated against on the basis of race, nationality, skin color, gender, sexual orientation, language, religion, political opinion, economic status, national origin, disability, health status, or other status.
Therefore, statelessness because of their legal state has not yet recognized or not yet proven. It cannot be a reason to limiting or depriving the fundamental rights that human beings have depended on from birth as natural rights. And the most importantly, having basic rights is a guarantee that human beings can develop themselves and discover human being values and meaning according to humanism. Government is obligated to recognize, protect and enhance the enjoyment of fundamental rights for all without considering about citizenship or any other conditions. Lastly, everyone must respect in fundamental rights each other
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