Thai Citizens and Cyber Democracy
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This research article is a research article explaining the meaning of Thai citizens and the term cyber democracy by studying articles and searching for knowledge through various media. nowadays, the areas where people use it for communication and inclusion have grown from where in the past only had a pattern of relationships in the family, community, country, but today, people have access to one another. Technology and the Internet as the medium And create a virtual community for discussion and discussion, as well as criticism and opinion. in addition to coexistence in a virtual assembly, the majority of like-minded people gather. The key points used in the study are those of Thai citizens and cyber democracy. To talk about civic relations and express their views on political institutions as well this article can conclude that cyber democracy It is a phenomenon of democracy that has emerged in an area known as cyber space. It is an important new public space for political expression through the Internet by the results of studies and Internet political debates. But all actions by Thai citizens regarding cyber democracy are governed by a common legal framework. and the government has used the legal power to block and shut down many Facebook pages that create virtual communities or offer news that affect the government. This caused controversy, but it supported the government but had not been examined. it is the source of the study of the term cyber democracy in this article.
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