Political instability in the democracy in Thailand parliamentary system

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Kan Laikam


Politics under a parliamentary democracy that is not politically stable In order to maintain political stability, political parties must be managed according to the constitutional laws and the constitutional laws established to prevent political parties from committing illegal acts. In addition, political parties have a role in establishing a government, making the government and the political system stable, play a role in maintaining the parliamentary system to be stable. It also plays a role in political change by changing the government so that politics in the parliamentary system can be maintained. "The political institution of the Thai Parliament" aims to answer questions about What is the nature of the political institution of the Thai parliament over the past 80 years and what are the factors that are the main obstacles to the development of democracy, which has been based on the concept of a vicious circle in the analysis of the results of The analysis found that over the past eight decades, Thailand has undergone political change, that is, through revolutions, coups and conspiracies, all of which directly impacted the Thai Parliamentary Institute because of the handling of the problem. With military tools, there has been a political vicious circle, that is, the Constitution and the Parliament are overthrown simultaneously, and despite the emerging vicious circle, the stability of the parliament is unstable and under influence. Of the capital groups that come to Parliament as a means of converting corrupt businesses to legitimate or creating conflicts of interest With the use of state power in hold, the development of the Thai parliament to have a strong political institutional status must begin with the people as citizens who are ready to participate in politics both directly.

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How to Cite
Laikam, K. (2020). Political instability in the democracy in Thailand parliamentary system. Social Sciences and Modern Integrated Sciences, 1(2), 21–38. retrieved from https://so09.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JSMIS/article/view/530
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