People's Opinions on Roles of Sub-District Administrative Organization Council Members on Local Development Case Study of Thawat Buri Subdistrict Administrative Organization Thawat Buri District Roi Et Province

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Phrakhrusutaworathammakit, Asst.Prof.Dr.


Objectives of the study 1) to study the level of people's opinion towards the role of sub-district administrative organization council members towards local development. Case Study of Thawat Buri Subdistrict Administrative Organization Thawat Buri District Roi Et Province 2) to study and compare people's opinions towards the roles of sub-district administrative organization council members towards local development The sample group used in this study was 400 people who had the right to vote for members of the 12 sub-district administrative organization councils. The instrument used for data collection was a questionnaire. percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test and One-way ANOVA with statistical significance at 0.05 level.

The sample group had public opinion on the role of sub-district administrative organization council members and local development. Case Study of Thawat Buri Subdistrict Administrative Organization Thawat Buri District Roi Et Province Overall, it's at a moderate level. As for the comparison of the opinion level according to the difference between personal factors, it was found that the sample group with different age, marital status and occupation had public opinion on the role of sub-district administrative organization council members and the local development of the administrative organization. Thawat Buri Subdistrict Thawat Buri District Roi Et Province is different.

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How to Cite
Phrakhrusutaworathammakit, Asst.Prof.Dr. (2020). People’s Opinions on Roles of Sub-District Administrative Organization Council Members on Local Development Case Study of Thawat Buri Subdistrict Administrative Organization Thawat Buri District Roi Et Province. Social Sciences and Modern Integrated Sciences, 1(1), 11–19. retrieved from
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