Applying Good Governance Principles in the Operation of Subdistrict Administrative Organizations in Kuchinarai District Area Kalasin Province
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The objectives of this research were 1) to study the opinion level in applying good governance principles in the operation of sub-district administrative organizations in Kuchinarai District. Kalasin Province 2) A comparative study of opinions on applying good governance principles in the operation of sub-district administrative organizations. It is a quantitative research. The sample population used in the research was 153 people. The statistics used in the data analysis were mean, standard deviation. The results showed that
1. Personnel who work in the Sub-District Administrative Organization in the area of Kuchinarai District Kalasin Province There are opinions at the level of applying good governance principles in work practice. Overall, it was at a moderate level. When considering each aspect, it was found that it was at a moderate level in all aspects. The rule of law is at the highest level. followed by moral principles and the principle of responsibility
2. Comparison of opinions on applying good governance principles in the performance of sub-district administrative organizations classified by gender, age, position in work. It was found that different genders, ages, and overall opinions were significantly different at the 0.05 level when considering each aspect. morality Responsibility There was a statistically significant difference at the 0.05 level for personnel with operational positions. and the duration of work is different There are no different opinions in general.
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