Political Culture of the Thai Local Elite: From an Elite Theory Perspective
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The governing of the political community of the top aristocracy should require a glimpse of the new legal and legal theory, The important theorists are Gaetano Mosca, Vilfredo Pareto, and C.Wright Mills split the social elite into two levels. There are upper levels and lower levels. Both levels have different roles and influence. The upper class has economic capitalism as a measure and divides the social class. But the upper classes still have to be practiced and driven to be fulfilled by the lower elites. Which is the cause of the creation of a political patronage system in the local area of Thailand. By having characteristics of different return, favoring mutual benefits Also known as "political interest groups" transform economic power into political power. Reflect that The local Thai political culture still creates a gap that cannot lead to the development of a perfect democratic system of government.
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