Knowledge Management and Lessons to Support Academics for the Learning Management Agency to Developing Skills of Informal Workers and Vulnerable Group under Equitable Education Fund

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Pongsakorn Kawichai
Somkit Keawtip
Sittichai Thummakun
Kanjanaporn Saiwongfan


This research aims to 1) manage knowledge and lessons to support academics for learning units and 2) know the limitations and obstacles to academic support for learning units. This research is qualitative research. The key informants in the research were: 1) representatives of the learning management unit working group, 120 people, 2) target groups participating in the project, 120 people, 3) working groups operating in the area. (Regional mentors/consultants) totaling 50 people 4) Executives directing the EFE project, numbering 5 people 5) Network partner organizations, numbering 5 people, totaling 300 people, emphasizing the selection of specific informants to use research tools. Participatory observation Small Group Discussion Organizing a forum to exchange knowledge/summary of lessons learned and in-depth interviews As for data analysis in the research, content analysis and descriptive methods were used. The accuracy of the data was checked using triangulation.

The results of the study found that knowledge management and academic reinforcement lessons for learning units to develop skills in informal and underprivileged labor groups include: 1. Community-based career development 2. Collaborative learning processes 3. Community-based management mechanisms 4. Creating jobs, creating careers, creating opportunities for the underprivileged. 5. Integration with agencies both inside and outside the community and 6. Academic support process with mentors. As for limitations and obstacles to academic support for learning management units to develop the skills of informal and underprivileged labor groups, it was found that 1. Work and career development activities under the Covid-19 situation 2. Lack of analysis. Community grants or the readiness of the working group is not consistent with using the community as a base; 3. Unclear in setting goals and processes for the entire career system; 4. Lack of understanding of the community context and the high distribution of target groups in the community; and 5. Lack of learning processes. Learn to adapt and create new learning that is easy to develop the careers of the target group.

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How to Cite
Kawichai, P., Keawtip, S., Thummakun, S., & Saiwongfan, K. (2024). Knowledge Management and Lessons to Support Academics for the Learning Management Agency to Developing Skills of Informal Workers and Vulnerable Group under Equitable Education Fund. Social Sciences and Modern Integrated Sciences, 5(1), 87–101. retrieved from
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