Factors Affecting People's Participation in Administration of Choeng Doi Subdistrict Municipality Doi Saket District Chiang Mai Province
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This research article aims to study the level of people's participation and factors affecting people's participation in the administration of Choeng Doi Subdistrict Municipality. Doi Saket District Chiang Mai Province It is a quantitative research. The sample group used in the research consisted of 400 people aged 18 years and over. It was a 5-level estimation scale questionnaire with a confidence value of 0.86. Data were analyzed using a packaged program. to find the mean, percentage, standard deviation The results showed that;
Level of people's participation in the administration of Choeng Doi Subdistrict Municipality It was found that, overall, people's participation was at a high level. The results of the study of factors affecting people's participation in the administration of Choeng Doi Subdistrict Municipality found that the factors affecting people's participation in the administration of Choeng Doi Subdistrict Municipality Doi includes age, education level, annual net income and length of stay in the community. Factors that do not affect participation in the administration are gender, marital status and occupation.
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