Transformative Leadership Affecting the Operation of the Student Support System in Schools under the Office of the Secondary Educational Service Area, Chachoengsao Province
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The objective of this research is to study 1) the transformative leadership among school administrators under the Office of the Secondary Educational Service Area, Chachoengsao Province, 2) the operation of the student support system in schools under the Office of the Secondary Educational Service Area, Chachoengsao Province, and 3) the transformative leadership among school administrators and its influence on the operation of the student support system in schools under the Office of the Secondary Educational Service Area, Chachoengsao Province. The sample group consisted of 302 teachers, and data were collected through questionnaires and analyzed using statistical software to find frequencies, percentages, averages, and standard deviations, as well as to test the correlation between variables using Pearson's correlation and multiple regression analysis using the Stepwise method.
The research findings indicate that 1) the overall transformative leadership among school administrators in schools under the Office of the Secondary Educational Service Area, Chachoengsao Province, is at a high level. When considering specific aspects, the highest average score is related to the ability to ideally influence others, followed by the ability to inspire motivation, while the lowest average score is related to individual accountability. 2) The overall operation of the student support system in schools under the Office of the Secondary Educational Service Area, Chachoengsao Province, is at a high level. When considering specific aspects, the highest average score is related to promoting and developing students, followed by recognizing students as individuals, while the lowest average score is related to problem prevention and resolution. 3) The transformative leadership among school administrators significantly affects the operation of the student support system in schools under the Office of the Secondary Educational Service Area, Chachoengsao Province, at a statistically significant level of .01, including the aspects of individual accountability and the ability to inspire motivation that are significantly correlated with the student support system, with a multiple correlation coefficient of .629, and the student support system can be predicted by 39.10% with a standard error of prediction of 2.95.
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