Development and upgrad of OTOP Warin products fragrance products Tambon Bang Rin, Amphoe Mueang, Ranong Province

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Pusit Promsrikawe
Satita Rueng-in
Wansiri Aedsai
Santhipon Rodwan
Angkun Bunkhun


OTOP product development and upgrade project, Warin perfumery products, Bang Rin Subdistrict, Mueang District, Ranong Province, In which social engineers in Bang Rin Sub-district have studied, analyzed and combined with the community, they have seen the problems and importance in the development and upgrading of OTOP products, Warin, fragrance products for a value-added creative economy in the area so that they can be widely known. and even more with logo development and simple packaging design Attractive to viewers, easy to remember, unique and able to generate income. Create additional careers for people in the community and adding value and upgrading the product quality as well.

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How to Cite
Promsrikawe, P., Rueng-in, S., Aedsai, W., Rodwan, S., & Bunkhun, A. (2020). Development and upgrad of OTOP Warin products fragrance products Tambon Bang Rin, Amphoe Mueang, Ranong Province. Social Sciences and Modern Integrated Sciences, 1(1), 40–50. retrieved from
Academic Articles


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