Strategic Leadership of School Administrators Affecting the Mobilization of Resources for Education in Local Government Schools, Samut Sakhon Province
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This study aims to 1) Investigate the level of strategic leadership of school administrators affiliated with local government schools in Samut Sakhon Province, 2) Examine the level of resource mobilization for education in schools affiliated with local government authorities in Samut Sakhon Province. 3) Study the relationship between the strategic leadership of school administrators and their impact on resource mobilization for education in schools affiliated with local government authorities in Samut Sakhon Province. The research sample consists of 262 individuals affiliated with local government schools in Samut Sakhon Province in the academic year 2022. Data were collected through questionnaires and analyzed using statistical software to find frequencies, percentages, averages, standard deviations, and test correlations between variables using Pearson's correlation. Furthermore, a stepwise multiple regression analysis was conducted.
The research findings indicate that: 1) The strategic leadership of school administrators affiliated with local government schools in Samut Sakhon Province is, on average, at a high level. In detail, the aspect with the highest average score is effectively supporting the organizational culture, followed by the establishment of balanced organizational control, while the management of resources within the organization is rated the lowest. 2) Resource mobilization for education in local government schools is, on average, at a high level. In detail, the highest average score is related to promoting honor and reporting results, followed by the aspect of budgeting for resource mobilization in education, while leadership mobilizing resources for education is rated the lowest. 3) There is a significant positive relationship between the strategic leadership of school administrators and the resource mobilization for education in local government schools in Samut Sakhon Province at the .01 level. The factors influencing resource mobilization for education in schools, including effective support for the organizational culture (X3), the establishment of balanced organizational control (X5), and the formulation of a strategic direction (X1) altogether, are the factors that affect the mobilization of resources for education in schools under the local government organization in Samut Sakhon province, which has a prediction accuracy of 50.50 percent at a significant level of 0.01.
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