Cattle-Buffalo Bank Project Based on Sufficiency Economy Concept of Government and Community Network in Lee-led Sub-District, Phun-Phin District, Surat-Thani Province
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The objectives of this research article were: 1) to study the concept of people through the Cattle-Buffalo Bank project on the basis of Sufficiency Economy by government and community networks, 2) to analyze problems and obstacles through the Cattle-Buffalo Bank project on the basis of Sufficiency Economy by government and community networks, and 3) to propose guidelines for the development of Cattle-Buffalo Bank project on the basis of Sufficiency Economy by government and communities networks in Lee-Led Sub-District, Phun-Phin District, Surat-Thani Province. It is mixed method research designed. Quantitative research used 108 questionnaires and descriptive statistics such as frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. Qualitative used in-depth interviews from 15 key informants.
The research results found that: 1) People's concept through the Cattle-Buffalo Bank project based on the Sufficiency Economy by government and community networks overall at a high level, considering each aspect found that moral conditions, reasonableness, moderation, knowledge conditions and good immune are the highest level respectively. 2) Problems and obstacles overall are at a high level, considering each aspect found that moral conditions, knowledge conditions, reasonableness, good immune and moderation are at the highest level respectively. 3) Propose guidelines for developing the Cattle-Buffalo Bank project found that government agencies and community leaders must use the concept of Sufficiency Economy, 3 loops 2 conditions as a guideline for conducting themselves, so that community people know how to practice self-reliant, change their attitude to have good conscience, realize the problems and gaining more knowledgeable, caution and careful in every step of the process to create the guidelines for the development of the Cattle-Buffalo Bank on the basis of the Sufficiency Economy by the government and community networks in Lee-Led Sub-District, Phun-Phin District, Surat-Thani Province.
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