Conflict Management in the Coastal Erosion Protection Project in the Area of Ban Hat Sai Ri, Chumphon Province

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Sarawut Sutthidet
Pirada Chairatana


The purpose of this study was to study the causes of conflict in the implementation of the Coastal Erosion Protection Project in Ban Hat Sai Ri, Chumphon Province. aiming to offer guidelines for conflict management relating to the said project. A qualitative methodology was used in this study by the data collected through in-depth interviews with 24 key informants, namely: 1) 5 government officials 2) 6 environment-related independent scholars and organization workers 3) 13 community leaders and locals as the stakeholders.

The study reveals that the primary cause of the conflict stems from inadequate and insufficient data provisioning to the stakeholders, which has led to a lack of trust in the state agency overseeing the project. The conflict arising from differing values is a result of the locals perceiving negative consequences based on information, experiences, and facts, particularly when compared to a similar project in neighbouring provinces. This has resulted in a strained relationship between the project owner and those opposing it. The structural conflict is a consequence of the state and provincial administration's monopoly on power. Unfortunately, the importance of involving the local administration in resolving the conflict has been disregarded. To effectively address conflicts, it is essential to initiate the mediation process by engaging with both the government agency overseeing the project and the local community opposing it. This approach aims to foster mutual understanding and reach consensus through the exploration of shared solutions. A crucial aspect of conflict resolution involves actively involving the local community in the decision-making process, ensuring their opinions are heard and valued. To achieve this, the project owner must provide comprehensive information to the stakeholders, utilizing multiple communication channels. Additionally, supporting local government organizations and empowering the community to manage their resources further contributes to conflict resolution efforts.

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How to Cite
Sutthidet, S., & Chairatana, P. (2023). Conflict Management in the Coastal Erosion Protection Project in the Area of Ban Hat Sai Ri, Chumphon Province. Social Sciences and Modern Integrated Sciences, 4(2), 29–43. retrieved from
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