Cultural Reconstructions and Social Space of Akha and Tai-Kern in the Context of Trade and Tourism in Maesai District, Chiang Rai Province

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Gomin Wang-on
Chanchai Ritiruam
Wanna Rattanaphong
Aree Binprathan


This study aimed to examine the establishment of social and cultural spaces within the Akha and Tai Khoen ethnic groups, specifically to border trade and tourism in Mae Sai District, Chiang Rai Province. Additionally, this research sought to provide recommendations to the local government on how to strengthen the economy and promote local ethnic tourism in alignment with the economic development, trade, and tourism in the border towns of Mae Sai District, Chiang Rai Province. This qualitative study focused on the Akha and Tai Khoen ethnic communities in Mae Sai District, utilizing participant observation of 20 cultural groups and conducting focus-group discussions with 10 representatives of both formal and informal ethnic community leaders. The collected data was then analyzed using the content analysis method.

The research findings indicated that the Akha and Tai Khoen ethnic groups utilize their cultural practices to establish a social environment. This is achieved by actively engaging in cultural expressions associated with annual traditions, music, recreational activities, performances, and the preservation of their clothing culture. Additionally, they contribute to the local economy and tourism through the production of cultural food and ethnic handicrafts. Furthermore, these communities actively participate in policy-making and local government initiatives that promote diversity. To enhance ethnic tourism and the local economy, stakeholders collaborate to establish cooperative networks, develop ethnic cultural tourism plans, and implement tools for tourism development. These tools include the establishment of development level indicators, tourism capacity assessment, adherence to building standards, local community development, and effective marketing strategies. Ultimately, these efforts aim to connect the ethnic backgrounds of the Akha and Tai Khoen groups with economic development, trade, and tourism in the border towns of Mae Sai District, Chiang Rai Province.

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How to Cite
Wang-on, G., Ritiruam, C., Rattanaphong, W., & Binprathan, A. (2023). Cultural Reconstructions and Social Space of Akha and Tai-Kern in the Context of Trade and Tourism in Maesai District, Chiang Rai Province. Social Sciences and Modern Integrated Sciences, 4(2), 1–14. retrieved from
Research Articles


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