Buddhist Integration to for Promoting Public Policy Management in Education, Religion and Culture of Choeng Doi Subdistrict Municipality in Doi Saket District, Chiang Mai Province
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This research article aims to 1) examine the public opinion in Choeng Doi Subdistrict Municipality, Doi Saket District. 2) seeks to compare people's opinions on the promotion of public policy management in education, religion, and culture. Furthermore, 3) explores The Integrated Buddhist Approach to Promote Public Policy Management in Education, Religion, and Culture as an integrated research method that combines quantitative and qualitative research. The sample group consisted of 380 eligible voters aged 18 years and above, and data was collected through a questionnaire. The collected data was analyzed using statistical measures such as frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. In addition to quantitative research, qualitative research was conducted through in-depth interviews with a group of key informants, accompanied by 10 photographs per person. The qualitative data was analyzed using content analysis techniques.
The study's findings indicated that the opinion level of individuals residing in Choeng Doi Subdistrict Municipality, Doi Saket District, Chiang Mai Province, regarding the promotion of public policy management is generally favourable. Additionally, the overall level of public opinion concerning Integrated Buddhism in promoting public policy management, as per Buddhist Integration (Sankhahavatthu 4), was also positive. Furthermore, when examining public opinions based on personal factors such as gender, age, education level, status, and income, it was observed that these factors had a statistically significant impact on the opinions at a .01 level. Moreover, the study identified several issues, obstacles, and recommendations. It was noted that individuals in the area lacked awareness of the policy and displayed a lack of interest in education, religion, and cultural policies. To address these challenges, it is suggested to organize group meetings, appoint leaders, and establish networks to develop incentive plans for the local population. This approach aims to enhance awareness and empower individuals to actively participate in the implementation of policies and plans.
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