ภาวะผู้นำทางการเมืองของคณะผู้บริหารเทศบาลเมืองปากช่อง จังหวัดนครราชสีมา
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The objectives of this study were 1) to study the political leadership of Pak Chong municipal administrators, Nakhon Ratchasima Province. 2) To present the application of Buddhist principles to promote political leadership of the administrators of Pak Chong Municipality, Nakhon Ratchasima Province. It's a mixed research. between quantitative research and qualitative research in quantitative research The sample consisted of 396 people living in Pak Chong municipality. Data were collected by using a questionnaire. analyze data Statistics were used for percentage, mean, and standard deviation. and hypothesis testing using independent t-test and F-test (One-way ANOVA). Qualitative research. With in-depth interviews with a group of key informants, 9 figures/person, data were analyzed using descriptive analysis techniques.
The results showed that, 1) Political leadership of the municipal executives as a whole were at the highest level. The side with the highest mean is competency leadership, followed by physical leadership the side with the least average is Personality Leadership 2) Present the application of Buddhist principles to promote political leadership of the municipal administration. By applying the principles of Brahma Viharn 4 to be applied, consisting of mercy: leaders have good intentions without prejudice; kindness: knowledge of forgiveness. Encouragement for work; Mutita: sincerely rejoicing when others do well, having a clear mind; equanimity: giving justice in administration. emphasizing honesty.
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