
  • Srirath GOHWONG Department of Political Science and Public Administration, Faculty of Social Sciences, Kasetsart University, Thailand


The goals of this study were to effectively address this knowledge gap by elaborating on how non-state actors used AI for personal gain under kakistoscryptocracy in singularity, potentially impacting state sovereignty, and to apply the market-ing of governmental power to lessen the negative impacts. Documentary research was used in the study. The findings revealed that the study comprehensively explored two relationships between kakistoscryptocracy and singularity: one concerning technological advancements and another regarding economic ones. According to these relationships, there are four critical issues as follows: unchecked use of AI for malicious purposes (technological singularity), widening wealth gap due to AI and automation (fracture scenario in economic singularity), unregulated technology facilitating illegal activities (collapse scenario in economic singularity), and control of blockchain by non-state actors (collective ownership and decentralization in economic singularity). Governments could use government power market-ing strategies to lessen these high risks.


