Publication Ethics

Publication Ethics

When a manuscript is published in this double-blind peer review Journal of New Horizon in Higher Education, it draws attention to the authors' contributions and the organizations that support them. Therefore, it is crucial that all important participants in the publishing agree on the norms of acceptable ethical conduct. The author, journal editor, and reviewer are important parties.


Manuscript Requirement

Authors should provide truthful summaries of their studies, including supporting data and an unbiased discussion of its relevance, in their reports of original research works, reviews, and professional journal articles. The works should have enough specifics and citations to allow others to duplicate the works. Authors should make sure their writing is fully original. The authors must properly cite or quote and, if necessary, get permission before using someone else's words or work. Plagiarism in all its manifestations, whether intentional or unintentional, is considered unethical behavior and is prohibited.


Ethical Principles of Human Subjects

Authors should note in the text that informed consent was acquired for experiments involving human subjects if the work involves the use of human beings. In other words, the authors must make sure that their writings adhere to the three ethical principles for human experimentation: respect for the individual, beneficence and non-maleficence, and justice. The copies of any written consents or supporting documentation must be given to the Journal of New Horizon in Higher Education upon request, along with a copy of a valid certificate attesting to the recipient's "satisfactory" or "completion" of the accredited workshop on ethical principles (which is typically valid for two years from the date of issuance).


Conflict of Interest Statement

Whether it be employment, grants, or other financing sources, authors should mention in their submissions any financial and personal ties to other networks that might be seen as influencing their work.