The Status of Women in Vedic and Buddha’s Periods


  • Sudipta Barua University of Chittagong, Bangladesh


Women, Spiritualism, Enlightenment, Society, Empowerment


During pre-Buddha era and contemporary ages of Buddha, the family, social and religious status of women in India was not at all dignified. In the male dominated society, they were subject to usual repressions. During these dark ages when humanity was raged to the ground, the Buddha brought about a revolutionary change for the emancipation of women. After five years of His enlightenment, Lord Buddha established the Bhikkhuni Sangha opening the door for women to practice religion and scriptures like their male counterparts. Attaining the right to live in union like males, women also got a complete scope for acquiring highest education and knowledge in all fields. For being relevant with the context, efforts have been made in this article to have a focus on the status of women during the Vedic period and the Buddha age. 


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How to Cite

Barua, S. . (2022). The Status of Women in Vedic and Buddha’s Periods. Journal of International Buddhist Studies, 13(2), 61–74. retrieved from


