Problems of mediation after the Administrative Court's verdict: A case study of debt settlement according to the verdict of the Supreme Administrative Court of Chaiyaphum Rajabhat University


  • Sasithorn teesungnong Chaiyaphum Rajabhat University
  • Napat jaiaundo Chaiyaphum Rajabhat University


Conciliation, The Mediation in the Administrative Dispute, Administrative


                   This article The objective is to study and analyze problems with applying principles in mediate disputes in administrative cases to apply to mediation negotiations after the Administrative Court's verdict by studying the case Debt settlement according to the verdict of the Supreme Administrative  Court  of  Chaiyaphum   Rajabhat  University  And use the analysis results to find solutions to improve the law on dispute resolution. The research  method  uses documentary research using jurisprudence as the basis for analyzing legal texts, theses,research papers, and judgments.                    The  results  of   the research revealed that the application of the main  principles  and  processes  in  dispute   resolution. In administrative cases, it applies to mediation negotiations after the Administrative Court's verdict. There are still practical problems. Because there is no law authori zing the Administrative Court to conduct negotiations and mediation after the Administrative Court's  verdict therefore proposed a guideline for ame nding the law in section  66/4 ,  paragraph one of the Act on Establishment of Administrative Courts and Administrative Court Procedure (No. 12),B.E. 2562


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How to Cite

teesungnong, S. ., & jaiaundo, N. . (2023). Problems of mediation after the Administrative Court’s verdict: A case study of debt settlement according to the verdict of the Supreme Administrative Court of Chaiyaphum Rajabhat University. Academy Journal of Northern, 10(3), 1–9. Retrieved from