Leadership for Change of Local Administration Organization in Ayudhaya Province


  • Papopepon Termtrirakij Sripatum University


leadership for change


         The purpose of studying leadership for change of local administration Organization  in Ayudhaya province was to survey the perceptions of admi nistrators of local administration  towards   their  leadership for change  in Ayudhaya province and to compare their perceptions having different  per sonal characteristics which are categorized  by  gender, marital status ,edu cation levels, and maturity.  A  purposive sampling of 400 respondents was calculated from Yamane tabulation (Yamane , 1973).  The  tool  of the study was a questionnaire with a five point Likert scale , of  which the reliability was 0.94. The statistics for the study presented the values of frequency, the arithmetic mean, and the standard deviation.                                                    The  statistical  test  used   the  t-test  for  two  mean   differences , whereas the One-way ANOWA for three independent variables.  If  there is a statisti cal significance, Scheffe test results will be provided.                                        The study revealed that the majority   82.8 percent of the respondents was male , 47.2  percent  was married ,34  percent  attained  the  baccalaureate degrees or equivalent.Thirty seven percent was in the group of 51-60 years of age.                                                                                                                        Respondents overall gave high mean score levels of opinion on leadership for change at 3.638 (SD.=0.515). Among the change leadership components, the  individualized  consideration  was  rated  the   highest  with the mean score 3.69 (SD. 0.847) followed by inspirational motivation the mean score 3.677 (SD.=0.664), intellectual stimulation 3.657 (SD.=0.609)  and  lastly the idealized influence 3.53 (SD.=0.742) On testing two independent variables, the t-test, the results showed no statistical difference.The One-Way ANOVA tests the independent variables of marital status, education levels,and the age groups on change leadership,the results were insignificant at the level of .05.


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How to Cite

Termtrirakij, P. . (2023). Leadership for Change of Local Administration Organization in Ayudhaya Province. Academy Journal of Northern, 10(3), 10–28. Retrieved from https://so09.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/AJntc/article/view/1977