Development of Participatory Organic Agricultural Tourism by Community Network of Ruam Thai Subdistrict, Phop Phra District, Tak Province


  • Sawart Phaisarnsirisap Tak Community College


      The objectives of this research were 1) to create a cooperation network to jointly develop organic agricultural tourism management  in Phop Phra District  2) to study the potential that is the identity of the area that will be used as a base for the development of  activities  /  organic tourism routes.   3)  Develop  the  potential  of the community and find a model for conduc ting eco-tourism activities.  Participatory  organic  agriculture that is suita ble for the community context so that can satisfy visitors in  Development of  Participatory  Organic  Agricultural  Tourism  by Ruamthai Pattana sub district Community Network , Phop Phra District , Tak Province.                The population is knowledgeable who are villagers in the community Aca demicians with experience and knowledge local wisdom  , senior citizens, local people's organizations Local administrative officials, monks, commu nity developers in the area , teachers ,  lecturers in the community partici pated in providing local information.  The  sample  group in this research Consists of  : 1) knowledge group  2) operator group  3) general informant group Tourism route activity experiment  The  research tools consisted of  a questionnaire,an interview form,an observation form,and a field record form. Statistics used in data analysis were  frequency , percentage , mean, and standard deviation. And content analysis by descriptive speech               The results showed that  : The result of creating a cooperation network to jointly develop the management of organic tourism in Phop Phra District, it  was  found  that  those  involved  in the Ruam Thai Pattana sub-district consisted of 3 parts as follows :                                                                                      1. Leaders within the community ,  2. Leaders between the community, 3. External  partners  consisting  of   government  partners, entrepreneurs, shops,  restaurants,  and  service  businesses  who  will  come  together   to create and try out a tourism route to learn about organic agriculture in the area.                                                                                                                          The results of the study of the potential identity of the area to be used as a base for the development of activities /organic agricultural tourism routes revealed that the Ruam Thai Pattana sub-district community network  has developed  into  a  multicultural  community  with  a  variety of ethnicities (Hmong, Lanna, Pakayo and Lisu)  have a  cool climate , fertile areas, most of the people are engaged  in  agriculture and there are mixed agricultural gardens  that  are  a  learning  center and a place for tourists to taste fruits and vegetables.                                                                                                        The results  of  community potential development and finding a model for tourism  activities  appropriate participatory organic farming in line with the community context can satisfy visitors. It was found that people in the community and leaders in the area had the knowledge and ability to apply their knowledge and skills in driving community-based tourism work. Creating  engagement , creating a dialogue forum to realize the process of research for locality (CBR) to create love and unity,Ruam thai Pattana, the source of the kitchen of Thai people. Multicultural beautiful naturepeople in the community see the value and uniqueness of the local area, summar ized as the identity of        “ Thai Pattana, the source of the kitchen of Thai people. Multicultural beautiful nature ” 


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How to Cite

Phaisarnsirisap, S. . (2023). Development of Participatory Organic Agricultural Tourism by Community Network of Ruam Thai Subdistrict, Phop Phra District, Tak Province. Academy Journal of Northern, 10(3), 47–60. Retrieved from