A Study of the Guidelines for Implementing Student Care and Support System of the Learning Centers in the Thailand-Myanmar Border area, Mae Sot District, under the Supervision of the Tak Primary Educational Service Area Office, Region 2


  • Rawi Prabripu Northern College
  • Titimon Chadcharunrat Northern College


Getting to know the students individually, student screening, promoting students, preventing and solving the problems, and transferring students


           The purpose of this research is to study the condition, problems and guidelines for the implementation of the student care and support system of the learning center in the Thai-Myanmar border area, Mae Sot District,  under the supervision of the Tak Primary Educational Service Area Office, Region 2. The population used in this study were 73 school administrators and teachers in 2022 academic year and 9 experts.The research tools were questionnaire with 5 - level  estimation and  a semi - structured interview.            The statistics used to analyze the data were  frequency ,  percentage, mean , standard deviation and content analysis.                                            The research results :                                                                                                           1. The implementation of the student care and support system of the learning center in the Thai-Myanmar border area, Mae Sot District,under the supervision of the  Tak  Primary Educational Service Area office , Region 2 were in high level for every aspect in general. The average from high to low is the prevention and addressing the problem aspect, student promotion and development aspect,student screening, referral,and know ing student individually respectively.                                                                                 2. The problems in operation of the student care and support system of the learning center in the Thai-Myanmar border area , Mae Sot District, under the supervision of the Tak Primary Educational Service Area Office 2 were generally at a low level. The average from the highest to the lowest is the referral,student promotion and development,knowing students indi vidually ,student screening and prevention and addressing problem respe ctively.                                                                                                                                      3.  Guidelines  for  the implementation of the student support system of the learning center Thai- Myanmar border area, Mae Sot District Under the supervision  of  the  Tak  Primary Educational Service Area Office  2, it was found that the new academic year should be held for parent and com munity teacher meetings to understand the student care system.  And  par ticipation  in  student  development  and  should encourage all students to participate in school activities. There  are a  variety  of  activities,  such  as contests, competitions, and awards, praise and compliments.  For students to   develop according to their potential should fix the problem to students regularly  Class  teacher Guidance teacher responsible for student support systems  by  helping  students  be  consistent and consistent  with   student problems  Should  coordinate  with  parents  And  related  agencies to help solve  and  develop  students  Should   encourage   teachers  to  attend  the training  Seminar to bring knowledge to organize activities about   student care systems 


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How to Cite

Prabripu, R. ., & Chadcharunrat, T. . (2023). A Study of the Guidelines for Implementing Student Care and Support System of the Learning Centers in the Thailand-Myanmar Border area, Mae Sot District, under the Supervision of the Tak Primary Educational Service Area Office, Region 2. Academy Journal of Northern, 10(3), 61–78. Retrieved from https://so09.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/AJntc/article/view/1740