The Relation between Marketing and Decision Process for Goods Purchase Through Smart Phone of The Consumers in The Area of Muang District in Udonthani Province


  • Sarayuth Intanai Pitchayabundit College
  • Wimonphan Sakdee Pitchayabundit College
  • Nutcharee Pitak Pitchayabundit College
  • Danai Lamkham Pitchayabundit College
  • Narissara Chairot Pitchayabundit College
  • Sarawoot Jamwan Pitchayabundit College
  • Chitapol Wilaingarm Pitchayabundit College
  • Payungsri Deekote Pitchayabundit College


pearson product-moment correlation, market mix, Decision Process


     The objective of this research was to study relation between marketing ingredient and decision process on goods purchase of consumers through smart phone in the area of muang district in udon thani province.          This  research  work  was  quantitative research using for survey research from questionnaires. The  samples  using  for  research  were 400  persons from  consumers  working  or  residing  in  the  area  of   muang district in udonthani province. The   instruments  using  for  collecting  data used the questionnaires. The statistics  using  for  data analysis included frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation and pearson product-moment corre lation coefficient.                                                                                                      the results of findings were as follows  :   for overall of analysis on relation between  markting  ingredient  and   decision  process  for goods  purchase through   smart  phone  of  consumers  in  the  area  of   muang   district  in udon  thani  province  was on positive of pearson product-moment correla tion coefficient  and  was  on  relation  for  high  level   and  that the couple variances were in the same direction.


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How to Cite

Intanai, S. ., Sakdee, W. ., Pitak, N. ., Lamkham, D. ., Chairot, N. ., Jamwan, S. ., Wilaingarm, C. ., & Deekote, P. . (2023). The Relation between Marketing and Decision Process for Goods Purchase Through Smart Phone of The Consumers in The Area of Muang District in Udonthani Province. Academy Journal of Northern, 10(3), 98–109. Retrieved from