Marketing The Study of The Desired Competencies of Cooperative Education Students in The Innovative Tourism and Hospitality Management Program at The Thai-Nichi Institute of Technology, Based on The Perspectives of Entrepreneurs.


  • Suwaraporn Chaikasemsan Thai-Nichi Institute of Technology


Desired Competencies, Cooperative Education, Perspectives of Entrepreneurs


          This research aims to study the desired competencies of cooperative education students majoring in the Innovative Tourism and Hospitality M anagement Program at the Thai-Nichi Institute of Technology, based on the perspectives of entrepreneurs. The results of this study will be used to dev elop the curriculum and teaching management in the university, to produc e graduates who meet the needs of entrepreneurs. The sample group inclu des the entrepreneurs who accept cooperative education students for train ing.  Data was collected through a questionnaire from various types of entr epreneurs, such as business owners/high-level executives, managers /supe rvisors, HR personnel,  and advisors/mentors of cooperative education stu dents majoring in the Innovative Tourism and Hospitality Management Pr ogram at the Thai-Nichi Institute of Technology.  The research was conduc ted during the second semester of the academic year 2022, and the sample size was 43 individuals.  The Statistical methods were used to analyze the data, including frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. The study found that the desired competencies of cooperative education stude nts majoring in the Innovative Tourism and Hospitality Management Pro gram at the Thai-Nichi Institute of Technology, the competency ranking of the perspectives of entrepreneurs is highly regarded. The rankings are as follows: Ethics and Moral are ranked first, followed by Interpersonal Skills and Responsibility,  and finally,  Numerical Analysis,  Communication and Information Technology Skills. When considering all 6 competencies (60 variables), the top 5 factors are: 1) Being polite and welcoming to guests, 2) Students have a positive attitude towards their profession and consistently behave well towards others, 3) Smiling and being friendly towards custom ers, 4) Having a sense of responsibility towards their assigned tasks, and 5) Students are honest and ethical, able to solve problems according to profes sional ethics and have a sense of responsibility for their duties. They also a ctively participate in activities, demonstrate leadership qualities, show em pathy and willingness to serve customers, exhibit honesty and ethical beh avior, and are able to work well with others.


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How to Cite

Chaikasemsan, S. (2023). Marketing The Study of The Desired Competencies of Cooperative Education Students in The Innovative Tourism and Hospitality Management Program at The Thai-Nichi Institute of Technology, Based on The Perspectives of Entrepreneurs. Academy Journal of Northern, 10(3), 109–122. Retrieved from