Tourism Community Success by Tourism Management through Participation Approach


  • Thanakorn Thangruang Northern College
  • Phawat Cruz Northern College


budget management, Sadao Sai-ngam Schools Group


            This research academic aims to : (1) To synthesize literature on relevant issues,and  (2) To create a conceptual framework for tourism  community  success  by  tourism  management  through participation approach , by using analysis  and  synthesis from literature as well as research  related  to  both  Thai and Foreign countries  which  obtains      the  summarized   conceptual   framework   for   tourism   community  success by tourism management through participation approach. The results  were  found  tourism management has components: planning, organizing , promotion , marketing , images , and sharing. The partici pation components are  : opinion sharing, decision making , planning, implementing, profit  sharing , and  assessment.  This  is  beneficial to tourism  -  related  sectors ,  including   government , private   sectors, academic sectors  and community sectors , has applied the concept of integrative  synthesis  to  be  adapted  for planning  modifying partici patory  development  strategies. Actually ,it is a guideline for tourism management   by   using   the  community  context   as  a   setting   for support  changes   in  policies  to  stimulate  the  grassroots   economy, improving the quality of life of people in the community,and balanced  and sustainable peace in the area.


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How to Cite

Thangruang, T. ., & Cruz, P. . (2023). Tourism Community Success by Tourism Management through Participation Approach. Academy Journal of Northern, 10(3), 123–135. Retrieved from